
The Official Search Engine

The Jason Mraz Art, Music and
The Environment Competition

Sponsor of The Technology Competition

Co-Sponsor: "Eating, Health and
The Environment" Competition

The Official Hotels of The Competition


Presentations that address the potential for Environmental Solutions based on creative financial policy, public policy and local, national or global
"Eco-Activist" service projects

A Statement from Richard Greene,
Founder of The Environmental Solutions Competition

Some people believe that economics control everything, that if you really want to change things, you must do so through economics. My History teacher, a few years back, told me that all wars are fought over economics. I didn't believe it then, but I do now. He, like many of your high school teachers, are wiser than they may at first appear.

And that bit of instruction from my teacher, Mr. Howard, is also true for the creation of the most powerful and the most lasting "Environmental Solutions". That is the essence of this particular competition. The use of finance, economics and, indeed, the free market to solve our most difficult challenges - at Copenhagen at the global summit and right here in New York.

Understand this and you will be way ahead of your fellow students. Help educate others and influence policies that reflect this understanding and you will help change and heal the world.

It has been my passion since I ran for United States Congress, on The Green Party, all the way back in 1992 and yet, because of lack of understanding and selfishness and inertia, using economics to solve environmental challenges has barely been incorporated into public policy. Senators and Congresspersons have told me, "Richard, you are right, but no one will understand it".

That's where you come in.

Research, write and deliver a compelling 2 - 3 minute video about how YOU would solve our environmental challenges through the marketplace, using economics. It can be a bill you would introduce into Congress or something you would have corporations do voluntarily to be more "green" and better corporate citizens or a change, perhaps, in how our economy delivers goods and services. It's up to you. Be as creative as you want. If it is something that is a bill, or can be a bill, I will personally submit it to one of the leaders of the United States Senate and a top ranking member of the United States House of Representatives and will pay for you your parents to go to Washington to meet them.

In addition to politicians, many others will see it and, perhaps, you will be the one to explain this transformational understanding in a way that no one else has before!

Here's the principle. It couldn't be more simple, really.

When you go to McDonalds and pay $2.95 for a Big Mac you are buying something that REALLY costs far MORE than $2.95. What is NOT included in that $2.95 price are many really important things . . .

*If we factored in the true costs of one pound of hamburger (according to Dr. Mehmet Oz), it would cost $90 because of the loss of the Amazon Rainforest, the damage to the environment from methane gas from livestock, the water and soil pollution, the subsidies given the beef industry, the costs to families and the nation from childhood obesity and diabetes and poor health from eating such fats, etc., etc.

Anything less than $90 (or the true cost, whatever it is) is a subsidy to McDonalds or the beef industry from the American public and interferes with the free market, making it harder for less environmentally damaging products, like fruits and vegetables, to compete. In other words, until the real cost of a hamburger are factored into the hamburger, people will think that other foods, including healthier alternatives, are more expensive when, in reality, they aren't.

When people across America go to the gas station and buy gas for $3.25 a gallon, they are buying something that really costs far more than $3.25. What is not included in that $3.25 price are many important things...

*If we factored in the true costs of one gallon of gasoline, it would not be $3.25, but more like $11 or even much higher as we honestly accounted for the cancers in Cancer Alley in Louisiana because of all of the oil refineries, the costs of climate change, the health costs of breathing toxic fumes, the smog created around the world by burning oil, the geopolitical costs (where does the $3 Trillion from Iraq come from? Why aren't those costs included in a barrel of oil??) and many others.

In other words, until the real cost of producing and distributing and using a gallon of gasoline are factored into the price of a gallon of gasoline, people will think that other sources of energy, including healthier, cleaner alternatives, are more expensive when, in reality, they aren't.

These are but two examples. Research these and others and create a compelling video that will cause policy makers, in New York City, New York State or Washington, to change the laws to help solve our environmental challenges through Finance and Public Policy and/or companies change the way business is done in America!

It can be done and you can help!!

Some Resources

The Official Search Engine of The Competition: www.Bing.com






Fuel: www.TheFuelFilm.com

Food, Inc.: www.takepart.com

OK. Now Go to HOW TO WIN for tips on how to Research, Prepare, Deliver and Upload Your Speech